i Coristi Launches a YouTube channel!

I Coristi’s first recording released on YouTube: The Moving Finger Writes

I Coristi’s first recording released on YouTube: The Moving Finger Writes

On April 30, 2020, we released our first video on our new YouTube channel: a recording of The Moving Finger Writes, recorded live in November 2018 at our first Meeting Places concert. We were incredibly lucky to share the stage with the world-class sarangi artist Dr. Deepak Paramashivan, and this piece was a wonderful collaboration. The choral sections are a study in different styles of choral improvisation (with the sarangi taking on the role of a solo voice), and the sarangi improvisations were invented by Deepak on the spot.

We're excited to be able to share this first recording, and we plan to share more of our recordings over the coming months.
Please note: that released recordings can also be found on our website, by selecting Listen from the Music drop-down menu.